December 30, 2020

Suggested Legal Structure for Owner/Occupied Affordable Housing Developments Using Blanket Mortgage Financing

Author: Brian Meltzer

Today, most newly constructed owner/occupant housing developments are governed by a condominium and/or non-condominium homeowners association (“HOA”) made up of the owners of the homes in the development. The housing crash and the great recession which followed (the “Crash”) exposed many flaws and weaknesses in the HOA model. See, Time to Rehab the Aging Condominium…

December 18, 2020

MPS Law Elevates Holly Shuman to Partner

Holly G. Shuman 125 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 2900 Chicago, Illinois 60606 T: 312-461-4319 F: 312-987-9854 E: December 18, 2020 – Leading Chicago real estate law firm MPS Law has elevated associate attorney Holly Shuman to partner, effective January 1, 2021. The move capped a rapid rise through the ranks for Shuman, who clerked…