November 10, 2015

Some Business Owners Still Hope To Retire

Author: Mark R. Raymond

When constants are discussed, why do death and taxes always come up? Why not prosperity and relaxation? Well, actually change is the true constant and change is always unsettling. Planning around and in anticipation of changes requires constant awareness and flexibility. Many business owners “knew” in 2006 that they would transition their business long before…

October 13, 2015

The 2015 ARO Promoting Affordable Homeownership in Chicago’s Neighborhoods

On October 13, 2015, Chicago Municipal Code, Chapter 2-45-115, the 2015 Affordable Requirements Ordinance (“2015 ARO”) became effective. Go to to find a copy of the 2015 ARO, the 2015 ARO Enhancements Summary published by the City of Chicago, and 2015 Affordable Requirements Ordinance Rules and Regulations issued by the City under the 2015…